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The Lost Diaries of Adrian Mole, 1999-2001 de Sue Townsend

Descripci贸n - Cr铆ticas Celebrate Adrian Mole's 50th Birthday with this new edition of the sixth book in his diaries where Adrian, Leicester's most unlikely ex-con, faces the nit-infested reality of being a single parent (from the publisher's description) Rese帽a del editor 'Adrian Mole really is a brilliant comic creation! Every sentence is witty and well thought out, and the whole has reverberations beyond itself! [Sue Townsend is] one of our finest living comic writers' - 'The Times'. 'A delight. Genuinly funny! Compassion shines through the unashamed ironic social commentary' - 'Guardian'. 'He will be remembered some day as one of England's great diarists. No matter what your troubles may be Adrian Mole is sure to make you feel better' - 'Evening Standard'. 'Thank heavens for Sue Townsend! She has an unrivalled claim to be this country's foremost practising comic novelist' - 'Mail on Sunday'. 'One of the great fictional creations of our time! A joy' - 'Scotsman'. 'Poignant, hilarious, heart-rending, devastating' - 'New Statesman'. Nota de la solapa Adrian Mole has entered early middle age and is now 'the same age as Jesus was when he was killed' (33). Father to the grammatically challenged Glenn, and William, who takes a 'Big Boy Arouser' condom to nursery school as his innocent contribution to a hot air balloon project, Adrian is a single parent who has an on/off relationship with his housing officer, Pamela Pigg. Will she help him to move from the notorious Gaitskell estate before William joins the Mad Frankie Fraser fan club?In the meantime, Adrian continues to be scandalised by his irresponsible parents who are conducting a matrimonial square-dance with the Braithwaites - the parents of the beautiful but unobtainable Pandora, who is ruthlessly pursuing her ambition to be New Labour's first woman P.M. - and to confide in his diary.His current worries include: indestructible head-lice; his disappointment that the BBC still refuse to broadcast his serial killer comedy 'The White Van'; his raging jealousy when his accomplished half-brother Brett arrives on his doorstep; moral decline in The Archers; his desperate attachment to two therapists; his mild addiction to Starburst (formerly Opal Fruits); a small earthquake in Leicester; and, perhaps most significantly, the dawn of a new millennium. Contraportada 'Adrian Mole really is a brilliant comic creation ... every sentence is witty and well thought out, and the whole has reverberations beyond itself... [Sue Townsend is] one of our finest living comic writers' The Times'A delight. Genuinly funny ... compassion shines through the unashamed ironic social commentary' Guardian'He will be remembered some day as one of England's great diarists. No matter what your troubles may be Adrian Mole is sure to make you feel better' Evening Standard'Thank heavens for Sue Townsend ... she has an unrivalled claim to be this country's foremost practising comic novelist' Mail on Sunday'One of the great fictional creations of our time ... a joy' Scotsman'Poignant, hilarious, heart-rending, devastating' New Statesman Biograf铆a del autor Sue Townsend was born in Leicester in 1946. Despite not learning to read until the age of eight, leaving school at fifteen with no qualifications and having three children by the time she was in her mid-twenties, she always found time to read widely. She also wrote secretly for twenty years. After joining a writers' group at The Phoenix Theatre, Leicester, she won a Thames Television award for her first play, Womberang, and became a professional playwright and novelist. After the publication of The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾, Sue continued to make the nation laugh and prick its conscience. She wrote seven further volumes of Adrian's diaries and five other popular novels - including The Queen and I, Number Ten and The Woman Who Went to Bed for a Year - and numerous well received plays. Sue passed away in 2014 at the age of sixty-eight. She remains widely regarded as Britain's favourite comic writer.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: The Lost Diaries of Adrian Mole, 1999-2001
  • Autor: Sue Townsend
  • Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficci贸n,Ensayos y correspondencia
  • Tama帽o del archivo: 11 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Espa帽ol
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Descargar The Lost Diaries of Adrian Mole, 1999-2001 de Sue Townsend Ebooks, PDF, ePub

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